So, it pays to call in advance and order massive amounts of an overage item. Remember to be kind and polite when checking out...I thanked the cashier and the lady behind me for their patience and had multiple associates and customers watching my total drop(I just like watching their jaws drop, hehehe). Anyways, I ordered more Playtex Handsaver Glove coupons from Ebay for about $10 for 100. I had not purchased everything I was planning to buy in the next week or so and decided that, it would be about $45 less to buy coupons on Ebay...and use them for overage. I would then end up with MUCH more product for way less money...and I could either give the extra away or sell it. So, here is what I got at Dillons(I FOUND ANOTHER 20 coupons, so I'll have to call again to order more!).
117 Playtex handsaver gloves
1 Propel(I found 1 lone coupon that hadn't been used to get FREE Propel from 3 weeks ago)
10 AMP energy drinks
2 lbs squash
2 lbs carrots
2 jumbo packs Huggies
1 Kashi pizza(Tristan said"mommy, "katshti pitza peas!.." so, I caved in)
1 $10 gift card(from a cat for buying AMP)
1 jar applesauce
1 huge jar Pace salsa
1 pack condoms..
1 12pk. double roll TP
1 bag cat food
Retail:$416( I WOULD NEVER PAY THAT!) My Total:$5.33($4.03 was tax)
The Glidden paint just came in the mail...that was free too!
Price Cutter
picked up strawberries,bananas, FREE starbucks(from Facebook), peaches(.99lb), and a
FREE Smirnoff cooler! The Smirnoff 12pk. display sign says along the lines of.."FREE COOLER WHEN YOU BUY A 12PK. SMIRNOFF ICE*....*no purchase necessary*) So, after asking if I needed to make a purchase when the sign said I didn't need to, the manager said I was right and let me have it!...never hurts to ask! after a $4 fruit rebate all of that cost $1.30!
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