*Traci, sorry for the confusion, I bought the Springfield paper inside CVS. I wanted to buy the KCStar, but it was sold out already. I moved, and I do not live anywhere near other vendors for papers like the KCStar or St.Louis Dispatch. So, I just got tons of Springfield papers without any good RP coupons:(
I don't do well at rolling ECBs when I can't find items and are hurried by having people with me:) So, this could have been a MM or broken even after ECBs, but I didn't ask for a raincheck on the children's throat coolers until after my last transaction, so I ended up spending money on my gift card:
3 boxes SoyJoy bars $6ea
2 boxes CVS cotton swabs(BOGO 50%) $2.97/2-$3/any CVS printable=FREE+.03 overage
2 bottles Country Bobs BBQ $3.29ea-2 FREE homemailer=FREE
1 Cheerios cereal bar $.79(filler)
-$5/$25 emailq, $13.49 ECBs and $.32(tax and change) giftcard
Retail: $28.34 My Total:FREE Recieved: $18ECBs, MM of $4.51
Trans2(this is the messed up, bad one:(...I added papers to make the difference for a $10/$50 since I was going to buy tons of KCStars today anyways...I just didn't get Gerber, Loreal, or Beechnut coupons...all which I'm looking for by the way )
1 Garnier conditioner $2.99-$1/1= $1.99
2 boxes SoyJoy $6ea
2 CVS jumbo diapers(BOGO 50%) $14.23/2-$3 any CVS printable=$11.23/2(.12per diaper)
1 Country Bob sauce $3.29-FREEq=FREE
11 papers $1.75
-$10/$50 and 28.48 ECBs and $7.48 on gift card
Retail: $51.76 My Total:FREE Recieved:$14 ECBs
4 Children's Sore throat cooler $4.99-2 BOGO=$9.98/4
-$3/$15 and 8ECB and $2.12 on gift card
Retail:$19.9 My Total:FREE Recieved:$14.97ECB
Summary: I had $26.74 ECB to start( and a free giftcard) and now have $26.97 and about $9 still on the giftcard...pretty good since I messed up!
WAGS(I went here 1st not realizing I would make a big paper mistake at CVS:)..and they did not carry the VentFresh MM item*I also have to have a $2coupon scanned still too)
4 papers $1.25ea
1 *Electrosal $3.49-$2.50=$1.49
2 *Reynolds foil $.99(in ad q)-$1/1=FREE
1 Garnier shampoo $2.99(will have ESRq scanned)-$2 and $1/1=FREE
1 Revlon eye liner $9.99-$2/1=$7.99
Retail: $23.34 My Total:$15.56(after refund for non scanned ESRq) Recieved:$11.49 rebate
Total cost:$4.07(for 4 papers)
I'll post the pics. later
I prefer to shop alone too - I never get the great deals when I have someone with me because it takes too much concentration.
Hi Brittany. I didn't know CVS carried the KC Star paper. I thought it was only outside. Please clarify what paper you bought from CVS. :) Thanks. Traci
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