The Sunbeam bread outlet on Chestnut Exp.(w. of West Bypass) has bread BOGO! That makes them $.50ea! If you have room in your freezer I suggest getting some!
Sunbeam Outlet carries Nature's Own breads for $1 or less and the Sara Lee Outlet located at 2350 S.Cambell(well right next to ACE Hardware) carries Saralee Bread for $1 or less! The Nature's Own includes light versions, whole wheat, whitewheat, honey ect. for the same price of $1. I honestly can't remember the varities at the SaraLee outlet.My trip to CVS would have been GREAT, but I think they open earlier than they used to on Sun. Does anyone know what time? I thought it was 10AM, so that is when I got there, but I walked in at 5min. til 10AM and I found 1 Loreal Revitalift towelettes in a basket near the front. My ECBs all expired on the 3rd too, so I had to burn through some and I had about 40, so if I had to burn through them anyways, I thought, "Why not add some so that I can use my $10 off a $50?" Of course I miscalculated, because I added diapers, but oh well.
1 MegaJumbo(what a weird name) Pampers $13.99-$1(homemailer)=$12.99
1 Loreal Revitalift towelettes(will go back later in week for raincheck/return/or add.item)$5.99
1 CVS chewable asprin $1.99
1 Energy shot $4.99
2 Renuzit triscents $7.99-2 $5/1 peelies(THAT BEEPED! grr)=$2.99
*I thought they were on sale for $5.39...and were a MM, but I guess not!
1 bag flaxseed $3.59
2 pasta $1.09
2 pasta $.89
1 seasoning $.99-peelie WYB2ElPaso=FREE
2 ElPaso tacos $2.19
2 ElPaso tacos $2.19
1 Excedrin(10ct.) $2.49-$1/1CRT=$1.49
-11.97 and 14.97ECB
Retail:$58.35 My Total:$9.35
Hey, I think they open at 8:00am on Sunday morning. At least I think that is what Laurie told me. And I think I have called the store before to see if I would be able to make it there before church one time (lol - now you know I have a problem) and I think it was 8. But I would call to find out again for sure. I still need to cash in several ECB's, glad they have a lot going this week, but will probably have to do the rainchecks again. I like the sounds of the bread outlet!
What is a coupon clip service?
Does the Sunbeam outlet carry Sara Lee bread by chance? Our local one closed its doors.
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