Here are the highlights only!
4 Yo-Plus $1.39 MS-2 $1.50/1 and 2 $1/1=2 FREE and 2 $.39ea!
1 Cottonelle TP $.99-$.50/1 printable=FREE
6 boxes whole wheat pasta $1.50-6 FREE pasta WYB ragu=FREE*bought on ebay=$.50ea
6 Ragu $1.42-3 $.75/2=$.92ea
3 Pillsbury ultimate desserts - ms $1.50ea
2 Pillsbury quickbreads -ms=$1ea
6 Libby's pumpkin-ms=$.50ea
1 kroger hot dog buns $.89-ms=$.49
*they owe me $2.99 for taking a free cereal q, scanning, and not entering it!
Retail(before MS): $83.70 My Total: $29.57(they owe me $2.99)
1kid's boost $13.49-FREE=FREE*could have used at CVS,but they don't sell the chocolate!
1 WAGS asprin $.99-FREE(home mailer)=FREE
1 Garnier styler $3.99(free after rebate)
Retail:$18.47 My Total:$4.78 Rebate:$3.99
...umm, nothing really, I blew $15 Extrabucks and spent $14.75 on my giftcard, because I was going to buy these things anyways and would rather get them free than pay for them at Walmart. I can always build my bucks up again later. I still have a raincheck for Loreal(so I'll spend 6 get 6 back) and $5 on hubby's card...oh! I did get a CRT for free mouthwash and I used a q for free planters peanuts.
Retail:$50.95 My Total:FREE
Brittany - I also went to Dillons today, but I took it that the Yo-Plus yogurt was just on sale (not the mega sale) at 2 for $4. I used the $1.50 off on all 6 of mine I thought making them .50 for each 4/pack. Were yours 1.39? I went to the one on Sunshine this time. Curious about the free whole wheat pasta as well?? Hey, my goal this week is to send you coupons so be watching!
I forgot to tell you how I love all the light coming in your house. Makes it look so comforting and alive. I love when the sun shines in our house. Mainly at the back sliding door, but I sometimes go and sit on the floor there for awhile and cut coupons or whatever just to soak it up. Love that Vitamin D!
I haven't been to Dillon's yet- what cereals are included in the deal? Hot Coupon World only said Multi-grain and Honey Nut Cheerios and Trix- which others did you notice? I see you bought the Banana ones- were they on sale for the $1.67 too? THanks!!!
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